Feature Ideas

  1. Show/hide parts of a dashboard based on a variable

    Sometimes a part of a dashboard only makes sense to show once the user has selected an input.

    Tom G


  2. Use dimensions and measures as variables

    This will allow you to dynamically control which dimension or measure to segment or aggregate by. E.g. you could have a dropdown containing a list of dimensions or measures, and then when users switch to another dimension or measure, all the charts update to show that dimension or measure.

    Tom G
    #Improvements 👍


  3. Add a drilldown in the no-code builder

    Drilldowns are super helpful for end users, so being able to add them within the no-code builder is really important - e.g. by opening a sub-embeddable via a modal.

    Ella Cullen
    #Improvements 👍


  4. A Duplicate button on dashboard widgets

    Wouldn't it be amazing if there was a copy/clone button close to the Edit and Delete ones 🥺

    Nickolas L
    #Improvements 👍


  5. Containers for components

    To make building dashboards in the no-code builder easier, we'll introduce the concept of 'containers' to layout components on the canvas

    Ella Cullen
    #Improvements 👍


  6. Sort / filter by measures

    Dataset sort (and filter) currently only allows sorting by dimensions (not measures). However, to show, for example a 'top 10' in a stacked bar chart, requires to sort & filter based on the measure rather than the dimension. It would also enable customers to show only rows where a measure is above or below a threshold.

    Ella Cullen
    #Improvements 👍


  7. End users can download Embeddables as PDF

    End users can download their dashboard as a PDF

    Ella Cullen
    #Improvements 👍


  8. Enable builders to "publish" to QA/Test environments *before* publishing to Prod

    Enable builders to publish to environments such as QA, Test before publishing to Prod.

    Ella Cullen
    #Improvements 👍


  9. Support self-hosted

    We will support the option for customers to self-host Embeddable.

    Ella Cullen
    #Blockers 💔


  10. Embeddable metadata API

    An API for retrieving the metadata for a published Embeddable dashboard: The canvas layout (position and size of each widget)The component values (input values and types for each of the component inputs)etc. E.g. GET https://api.embeddable.com/api/v1/embeddables/{embeddableId}

    Tom G
    #Improvements 👍


  11. Clone a dashboard from prod to local dev

    It would be useful to be able to clone a dashboard from the live workspace to local dev preview so that it could be worked on locally

    Ella Cullen
    #Improvements 👍


  12. API to programmatically configure an Embeddable dashboard

    Something to ease a component prop migration, or to create a template in case we go into the hundreds of dashboards. E.g. a basic import/export JSON endpoint to configure an Embeddable

    Tom G


  13. Schedule Embeddable dashboard delivery

    Enable users to schedule Embeddable delivery via email/Slack/Teams etc.

    Ella Cullen
    #Improvements 👍


  14. Undo/redo actions in the no-code builder

    Easily undo or redo changes made in the no-code builder.

    Ella Cullen
    #Improvements 👍


  15. Folders for Embeddables

    Make it easier for Embeddable builders to organise their Embeddables using folders.

    Ella Cullen
    #Improvements 👍
